首頁 > 中英雙語詞彙
- 農業部臺東區農業改良場 Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Ministry of Agriculture
- 場長 Director
- 副場長 Deputy Director
- 秘書 Senior Secretary
- 研究員 Researcher
- 副研究員 Associate Researcher
- 助理研究員 Assistant Researcher
- 技佐 Junior Technical Specialist
- 專員 Executive Officer
- 科員 Officer
- 辦事員 Clerk
- 書記 Associate Clerk
- 技工 Technical Worker
- 工友 Maintenance Worker
- 駕駛 Chauffeur
- 場長室 Director Office
- 副場長室 Deputy Director Office
- 秘書辦公室 Senior Secretary Office
- 人事室 Personnel Office
- 秘書室 Secretariat
- 主計室 Accounting and Statistics Office
- 政風室 Civil Service Ethics Office
- 人事室主任 Chief, Personnel Officer
- 秘書室主任 Chief, Secretariat Officer
- 主計室主任 Chief, Accounting and Statistics Office
- 作物改良科 Crop Improvement Section
- 作物環境科 Crop Environment Section
- 農業推廣科 Agricultural Extention Section
- 班鳩分場 Banchiu Branch Station
- 作物改良科科長 Chief, Crop Improvement Section
- 作物環境科科長 Chief, Crop Environment Section
- 農業推廣科科長 Chief, Agricultural Extention Section
- 班鳩分場分場長 Chief, Banchiu Branch Station
- 稻作研究室 Rice Laboratory
- 園藝研究室 Horticulture Laboratory
- 雜糧研究室 Upland Crops Laboratory
- 農業機械研究室 Agricultural Machinery Laboratory
- 植物保護研究室 Plant Protection Laboratory
- 土壤肥料研究室 Soil and Fertilizer Laboratory
- 教育訓練研究室 Agricultural Training Laboratory
- 農村生活研究室 Rural Living Research Laboratory
- 果樹研究室 Pomology Laboratory
- 果園有機經營研究室 Organic Orchard Management Laboratory
- 臺東農業區域教學中心 Taitung Agricultural Educational District Center
- 農業陳列館 Agricultural Exhibition Building
- 資訊室 Information Management Office
- 電腦室 Computer Room
- 昆蟲實驗室 Entomology Laboratory
- 教室 Classroom
- 植物病理實驗室 Plant Disease Laboratory
- 視聽室 Audiovisual Room
- 農機研究館 Agricultural Machinery Research Building
- 電腦教室 Computer Laboratory
- 養蟲室 Insectarium
- 學員宿舍 Dormitory
- 服務台 Information
- 會議室 Conference Room
- 廁所 Restroom
- 殘障廁所 Disabled Restroom
- 圖書室 Library
- 餐廳 Restaurant
- 黃金廊道 gold corridor
- 自由經濟示範區 Free Economic Pilot Zones
- 自由經濟示範區(簡稱示範區) Free Economic Pilot Zones (FEPZs)
- 臺灣米標章 Taiwan Rice Mark
- 臺灣米標章產品 TAIWAN RICE certified products
- 活化農地計畫 Fallow Land Reactivation Program
- 黃金十年-樂活農業 Golden Decade - LOHAS Agriculture
- 小地主大佃農 Small Landlords and Big Tenants
- 農村再生 Rural Rejuvenation
- 老農津貼 Welfare Allowance for Elderly Farmers
- 農業專業區 Specialized Agricultural production Area
- 農漁民子女就獎助學金 Education Scholarship for Children of Agricultural and Fishery families
- 產銷履歷農產品 traceable agricultural products (TAP)
- 農業加值 value-added agriculture
- 產銷履歷溯源餐廳 Traceability System in Restaurants
- 產銷履歷標章 TAP label
- 產銷履歷達人 TAP Expert
- 溯源餐廳 Traceability Restaurants
- 產銷履歷辦桌 TAP banquet
- 農業科技研究院(簡稱農科院) National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (NIAST)
- 農業災害保險 Agricultural risk insurance
- 亞蔬-世界蔬菜中心 the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC) -The World Vegetable Center
- 小農 small-scale farmers
- 低碳社會 Low Carbon Society
- 蔬菜種原庫 vegetable gene bank
- 耐病蟲品種 well-adapted cultivars
- 病蟲害檢定及抗病蟲害篩選技術 pest testing and pest resistance screening
- 小果番茄 cherry tomatoes
- 全球貧窮 global poverty
- 營養失衡 nutritional imbalance
- 優質農產品 Quality Agricultural Products
- 加工調理食品 processed foods
- 農產品特定原產地規則 specific Rules of Origin (ROO)
- 進口米混充國產米事件 rice-mixing scandal
- 十大經典好米 Ten Best Classic Rice Awards
- 香米 Fragrant Rice
- 休耕地 fallow land
- 青割玉米 silage corn
- 飼用玉米 forage corn
- 糧食自給 food self-sufficiency
- 農民退休制度 farmer's pension
- 世界糧食日 World Food Day
- 米漢堡 rice burgers
- 米麵條 rice noodles
- 蔬菜標章 Vegetable Certification System
- 有機蔬菜團膳供應體系 the Organic Vegetable Supply System
- 抽驗 sampling inspections
- 有機蔬菜供應及調配管理資訊系統 Organic Vegetable Supply and Coordination Management
- 契作 contractual farming system
- 有機農業 Organic Agriculture
- 生態池濾水系統 the ecological pool's water filtration system
- 有機蔬菜栽培區 organic vegetable cultivation area
- 典型三生產業:生產、生活、生態 three classic sectors: production, life, and ecology
- 農業產銷班 Agricultural Production and Marketing Group
- 亞太糧肥中心 the Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC)
- 繁殖技術 reproductive technology
- 國際食品展 International Food Show
- 品牌農業區 Branding Agriculture Area
- 產地證明標章 Certification of Origin
- 臺灣優良農產品標章 Certified Agricultural Standards (CAS)
- 有機農產品標章 CAS Organic
- 驗證產品 certified products
- 溫室氣體 Greenhouse Gas
- 碳足跡排放量 carbon footprint emissions
- 亞太農業政策資訊平台 Asia-Pacific Information Platform on Agricultural Policy
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