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TTDARES Promotes Food and Agriculture Education and Transmits Bunun Millet Offering Culture

In helping to promote the government’s policy of food and agriculture education, the Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (TTDARES) held a Food and Education Class on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at Jinping Elementary School in Haiduan Township, attended by 32 students and teachers.
The class, about millet, was taught by Jiang Xin-wu, a local elder and Bunun-language instructor. He talked about the millet offerings made in Bunun culture, teaching attendees about traditional seasonal offerings and having them participate in a millet-weeding ceremony. With the addition of related Bunun-language instruction, the class was both interesting and provided learners with much information on the Bunun millet culture. Teachers who attended said they thought the instruction and experience helped the students better understand the meaning of the offering and that, as the instruction was related to everyday life, it boosted their interest in learning.

The lecturer speaking to the kids. A student pours an offering during the weeding ceremony. 


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