In order to promote sustainable development and ensure product safety for the sugar apple industry in Taitung, the Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (TTDARES) of the Executive Yuan’s Council of Agriculture held an agrochemical safety lecture and forum on July 7 in Luye Township. 60 people attended the event, including members of the Taitung office of the Agriculture and Food Agency, Taitung County Government, Luye Farmers Association, and Taitung County Crop Protection Industry Association. At the event, the TTDARES reminded farmers to follow regulations regarding agrochemical use to ensure the safety of their fruit. Reference materials were handed out on pest and disease prevention measures for sugar apples as well as pest and disease prevention with regards to exporting to Mainland China. The purpose was to get farmers familiar with current agrochemical regulations and encourage them follow such laws. They were also kindly reminded to watch Typhoon Linfa’s movement so as to prevent any losses from the impending storm.